Experience a more joyful life.

Professional therapeutic and coaching services for elevated living.

Hi, I’m Marni.

I’m so glad you’re here. 

I believe we are all deserving of a quality life. At times, life throws us curve balls that can make navigating that path to joy challenging. I am here to serve as support in your journey forward.

With a background of over ten years in behavioral health, and a B.A. and M.A. in Clinical Psychology, I’ve built my career around the idea that improving our environment directly impacts the level of fulfillment we experience.

Consulting Services

Mental Health Services

Expert guidance and support finding residential treatment programs for behavioral and mental health needs.

Concierge Coaching

Elevate your well-being and quality of life with timely and hands-on support.

Interior Therapy

Create organized, aesthetically pleasing living environments in your home.

“I would not be where I am today without Marni’s wisdom and support.”


Questions before getting started? Get in touch.