Concierge Coaching Services

Quality LIfe Consulting offers Concierge Coaching Services in the following areas:

Family Member Coaching
Having a loved one with mental illness can be quite taxing. We cannot forget about your own well-being and quality of life.

Mindset & Life Coaching
If having trouble shifting negative patterns, I support clients by offering new perspectives.

Post Treatment Life Coaching
Transitioning from treatment to daily life can be overwhelming. I work with clients in their home and real-world environment to support in making this adjustment seamless.

Career Coaching
If you are unhappy with your current work, I support individuals in thinking outside the box to discover what options there are; ideally to work less hours and make more money. I specialize in offering support to individuals that have negative relationships with money, imposter syndrome, struggle with internal politics at work, or are experiencing burnout.

“Concierge” Services include a ‘no appointment needed’ benefit. We can connect via text and call at any needed time within reason.

How it Works

Part One: Schedule a 20-minute Courtesy Consultation with me where we’ll discuss your goals

Part Two: From there, we’ll build out a custom coaching schedule (in-person, virtual, or via phone calls – wherever fits best in your schedule).

Your Investment

My coaching services have a simple, flat rate of $200/hr.
  • “Making a transition in my career was a difficult process but Marni offered clarity through meaningful and effective dialogue and encouragement. Marni listened and was able to help me focus on my goals. She was instrumental in my getting to a happier place in my personal and professional life. Thank you Marni.”

    — Cristyna R.

  • “Marni has been one of my most influential career mentors. I don’t think Marni realizes the amount of confidence and guidance she has given me simply by being her open, honest, intelligent, and authentic self. I would not be where I am today without Marni’s wisdom and support.”

    — Ashley P.