Therapeutic Placement Services

Therapeutic Placement Services

If you find yourself hitting hurdle after hurdle in your search for behavioral health residential treatment, partnering with the right therapeutic placement consultant to advocate and serve in the admissions process can be invaluable. I support individuals and families navigate the broken healthcare system to find and access treatment for their loved one’s unique behavioral health needs. 

With over a decade of experience in the behavioral health industry, I have worked as a community mental health counselor, addictions counselor, clinical liaison, and in community outreach & admissions. I have served clients and families throughout the Midwest and much of the nation for some of the best behavioral health residential treatment centers and alternative academic options in the United States. In this time, I have developed an abundance of knowledge and relationships around these resources. I am grateful to be in a place today where I can serve families directly, without bias and guide them to the best residential placement options for their loved one’s unique needs.

I have a specialized skill-set in navigating the bear of health insurance to support as best as possible with the financial aspects of residential treatment. I also have expertise in supporting client presentations of clinically complex, multi-diagnostic adults (age 18+) who need resources for:

  • Mood Disorders; i.e. Depression, Bi-Polar

  • Anxiety Disorders; i.e. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Social Anxiety, Panic

  • Eating Disorders; i.e. Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating

  • Autism Spectrum Disorders

  • Substance Use Disorders

  • Thought Disorders, i.e. Schizophrenia, Psychosis

  • Personality Disorders, i.e. Borderline, Schizoid, Schizotypal, Dependent, Histrionic, Narcissistic, Paranoid

I offer complimentary consultations where we’ll talk through your situation and discuss options for next steps toward program admissions.

How it Works

  1. Schedule a 20-minute Courtesy Consultation with me where I’ll get a better understanding of your situation. 

  2. We’ll review any relevant records, testing, and applicable insurance information.

  3. A contract will be signed and I’ll present you with options of relevant behavioral health programs across the country. At this point I’ll share insights into the quality and reputation of programs that I have thoroughly evaluated.

  4. I will coordinate the admissions process and support enrollment to an applicable program.

Your Investment

There is a flat fee structure for program placement of $4,500 that includes in-depth support every step of the way. In order to help you feel confident in this service, I guarantee acceptance for admission to at least one program – or you will receive your money back.

“Marni is a leader in the recovery industry because of her knowledge, tact, and wisdom. She has an unlimited list of resources to get people the help that they need when they need it. Marni is one of the best in the field!”

— Paul G. Gay, Clinical Director, Trinity Sober Living


  • An expert in the behavioral health and alternative academic industry who assists families in evaluating the best options for their loved ones; a professional who has vetted various resources throughout the country that support the unique needs of an individual.

  • Unfortunately, healthcare is a very broken system at this time, it is extremely difficult to navigate and very time consuming, especially at a time of urgency. Therapeutic consultants share years of knowledge to streamline the process as much as possible and provide unbiased guidance to the best options.

  • When someone is at risk to themselves or others.

    When outpatient services are not enough.

    A significant event has occurred that places urgency in support.

  • Evaluation of programs, streamline of process, point person throughout admissions, navigation with insurance, guidance through assessment.

  • I do not accept compensation from programs. I have gone into private work to be able to provide families with unbiased opinions, aligning with my personal ethics.

“When my son had his first psychosis and I was struggling to find a good long term residential care for him, Marni selflessly spent many hours with me in educating me about severe mental illness and she helped me find the right residential care for my son, especially my son’s case was complex as he has several comorbidity issues. Marni is also particular about finding treatment places who accept insurance and reduce the financial burden for families. I have texted her late evenings and weekends and she has always been there for me as a trusted friend. Thank you, Marni.”

— Gopi G.